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How to Become Cleverer
Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how to become cleverer, because his mother always called him “foolish boy”.
“That’s easy,” answered the fisherman. “I know one way to make you become cleverer.”
“Of course. It is said a fish head is good for brain. If you eat one, you’ll become cleverer indeed. Pay only three pounds for one fish head.” The boy paid him three pounds and the fisherman cut off a fish head and handed it to him.
A raw fish head is not good—not even for a hungry boy to eat but the boy ate it up in two gulps.
“Do you feel anything?” asked the fisherman.
“Not in my head,” said the boy.
The boy lay on the ground and thought. “One whole fish costs only two pounds. I had paid him three pounds for the fish head. Why couldn’t I have the whole fish for soup, a head for brain and one pound left over?” He jumped up and shouted at the fisherman. “You thief! You are fooling me!” The fisherman laughed, saying, “The fish head works now, you see.”
【小题1】The boy ate up the raw fish head only in two gulps, because he __________.
A.enjoy it
B.wanted to taste it
C.took it as a good medicine
D.was a foolish boy
【小题2】The boy came to the fisherman in order to __________.
A.buy a fish headB.ask the fisherman a question
C.buy a whole fishD.A and C
【小题3】The boy paid three pounds. He should have had __________.
A.a whole fish
B.a fish head and one pound back
C.a whole fish and one pound back
D.a whole fish, a fish head and one pound back
【小题4】__________ helped the boy become cleverer.
A.A good mealB.The raw fish head
C.NothingD.What had happened
【小题1】细节题。根据第四段1,2行It is said a fish head is good for brain. If you eat one, you’ll become cleverer indeed.说明:据说鱼头对头脑很好,如果你吃了一个你就会变得很聪明。故选C。
【小题2】细节题。根据第一段Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how to become cleverer, because his mother always called him “foolish boy”.说明:一个男孩问渔夫怎样变聪明,是因为他的妈妈老是叫他是个愚蠢的男孩。故选B。
【小题3】细节题。根据第八段1,2行. “One whole fish costs only two pounds. I had paid him three pounds for the fish head. Why couldn’t I have the whole fish for soup, a head for brain and one pound left over?”说明:一整条鱼只要两磅,但他却花了三磅买了一个鱼头。故选C。
【小题4】细节题。由最后一自然段“You thief! You are fooling me!”可知:男孩不但被骗而且还没有变聪明。故选C。