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Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in years .It came sudden and went on for over three hours .After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest .The air was hot, but all was quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my room .Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window .As I ran out to catch it, big drop of rain began to fall .When I come back into the house, it was raining more harder and harder .Then I heard a loud crashing sound from the back of the house .When I ran out to find out that had happened, a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom .
答案:【小题1】a 改为the
【小题2】sudden改为 suddenly
【小题1】文中第一句。Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. the特指的事物,a代指一件事。此处主语是暴风雨。故用the且是the worst表示最高级,最坏的。
【小题2】文中第二句。It came suddenlly and went on for over three hours .sudden突然的,突然,是形容词,suddenlly突然地,表示副词。意为突然地出现。
【小题3】文中第四句。The air was hot, and all was quiet.and是和,与的意思表示连接上下句,而but是表示转折意为空气中很热,所有的一切都很安静,故改为and
【小题4】文中第六句。Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out of the open window out of意为从……出来,out 意为出来,此句意为我的一些卷子从我的课桌中飞到空中而且有一些还飞出了窗户,意为从窗户飞出来。
【小题5】文中第七句。As I ran out to catch them,.it是代指单数,them是代指复数。Them是指飞出去的卷子,故应用复数。
【小题6】文中第七句。big drops of rain began to fall .意为大雨滴开始从天空降落,drops意为雨滴,drop为降落,落下。
【小题7】文中第八句。When I came back into the house,此处是when引导的一个过去时态时间状语从句故用came过去式而非come现在时。
【小题8】文中第八句。it was raining much harder and harder .much 修饰harder,是副词修饰形容词比较级意为雨下得越来越大。
【小题9】文中最后一句。When I ran out to find out what had happened,意为当我跑到哪里时我去搞清楚到底发生了什么,what引导的主语从句。
【小题10】文中最后一句a big tree had fallen down and broken the top of the backroom意为一棵大树倒下了而且损坏了一些房屋的屋顶。Broken过去分词表示被动意为房屋被大树损坏。