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Even with the multimedia excitement of the web. Electronic Mail, e­mail, is the most frequently used application of the Internet. Many people who have a chance to use the Internet at school, home, and work. They use the Internet for no other purposes than to send or receive e­mails.
It's all very easy. You prepare the message, log onto(登录) the Internet, and send it. The message first goes to your Internet Service Provider's mail server, which in turn sends it to the recipient's(邮件接收者) mail server. On the way your message may go through several servers, each reading the name in order to send it to the right server. The message then remains in the recipient's mail e­mail server until he requests it by “checking his mail”.
The benefits of e­mails are obvious: mostly it's quick. Also, many people feel that the rules for regular mails don't apply to e­mail, making it less formal, which in turn make e­mail easier to write and send.
It's not just friends and co­workers that are receiving e­mails. Wherever you look, the Web is providing e­mail addresses. This has made communication between strangers easier than ever. You can read an interesting article online and immediately send the author an e­mail. Anyone who posts his e­mail address on a Web page is saying he wants to receive e­mail.
There are places you can go if you don't know someone's e­mail address. Check out Bigfoot, the Internet Address Finder, or Netscape's E­mail Directories for more information.
E­mail is one of the services offered by your Internet Service Provider—a service that you're applying for every month.
【小题1】The passage is about        .
A.the multimedia excitementB.different websites
C.e­mailD.mail server
【小题2】We can infer from the passage that      .
A.e­mail is the only application of the internet
B.if you want to send and receive e­mails, all you have to do is to log onto the Internet.
C.many people use the Internet only for the purpose of sending and receiving e­mail
D.you can send e­mails to friends and co­workers but you can't make communication between strangers
【小题3】If you don't know someone's e­mail address,       .
A.look up in a dictionary
B.check on Netscape's E­mail Directories
C.ask your computer teacher
D.refer to your textbook
【小题4】What can you infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.Only friends and co­workers send e­mails.
B.It's convenient to communicate between strangers online.
C.It's difficult to contact the author on the Internet.
D.You can't log onto the Internet except at home.
【小题1】主旨大意题。根据第一段“Electronic Mail, e­mail, is the most frequently used application of the Internet.”和以下各段首句可知,文章主要讲的是电子邮件,故选C。
【小题2】推理判断题。根据第一段“e­mail, is the most frequently used application of the Internet”可知,电子邮件是使用最频繁的应用,由此可知,互联网应用不止有电子邮件一个,排除A;根据第二段“You prepare the message, log onto(登录) the Internet, and send it.”可知,发邮件之前需要把内容准备好,而不是只需要登录互联网,排除B;根据第四段“This has made communication between strangers easier than ever.”可知,电子邮件使陌生人之间的交流变得更容易,排除D,故选C。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Bigfoot, the Internet Address Finder, or Netscape's E­mail Directories for more information.”可知,如果不知道一个人的邮箱地址,可以去Bigfiot或Netscape's E-mail Directories查询,故选B。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据第四段“It's not just friends and co­workers that are receiving e­mails.”可知,不只有朋友和同事之间可以互发邮件,排除A;根据“You can read an interesting article online and immediately send the author an e­mail.”可知,读者可以向作者发邮件,排除C;根据第一段“who have a chance to use the Internet at school, home, and work. They use the Internet to send or receive e­mails.”可知,只要是能上网的地方,都可以收发邮件,排除D,故选B。