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After years of experience, Brenda was faced with a challenge in Sunday School. However, she just didn’t know how to     it in a good way. She had never been asked to teach a child quite like Cindy!
Cindy, you see, was     . She came from a broken home. And although she was really
    , she thought she was so bad that she could not be successful.    , Cindy needed care, and most of all, Cindy needed love! There just had to be a way of      her. Day after day, Brenda would pray for Cindy, yet Sunday would come and go and she saw        , if any, change.
Then one day Brenda asked Cindy if she could      a role in a Christmas programme the children were       to do. Cindy’s answer was, “Don’t you think you can find someone better than me?”
“Better than you?” came Brenda’s      . “What makes you think there is 50 better than you?”
“Well, I’ve       been asked to do anything before because I’m not good. I won’t get the  part        and then everyone will be mad at me for messing up(弄糟)their        ,” came Cindy’s answer.
“Oh, Cindy,” said Brenda in a      voice. “I am so        that you think that, but you are so wrong. Don’t you realize how        you are?”
“No,”     a reply in a low voice because Cindy was now  in        .
“But Cindy, in my eyes, you are special and you can also do somethin g well like others,” Brenda said.
“Really? Do you think so really? Thank you, Miss Brenda! Nobody has believed in me like you.        I’ll have a try,” said Cindy as she        a hug from her teacher for the first time!
A.share withB.deal withC.do withD.go with
A.In returnB.In turnC.In allD.In fact
A.no oneB.anyoneC.noneD.everyone
【小题1】考查动词辨析.  A分享B处理C利用,忍受D伴随,由 However, she just didn’t know how to   it in a good way知:然而,她不知道怎样去处理才是一个好的方法。故选B。
【小题2】考查形容词辨析。A平均的,普通的B“顽皮的”C“不同的”D“普通的”。 Cindy, you see, was    . She came from a broken home.意思是:辛迪,如你所见,与其他的人都不同他来自一个破碎的家庭。故选C。
【小题3】考查形容词辨析。A聪明的B愚蠢的C可爱的D友好的,   , she thought she was so bad that she could not be successful. 意思是:很显然,他认为他很坏不应该取得成功。故选A。
【小题4】考查词组辨析。.A回报”B轮到C所有D事实上,  , Cindy needed care, and most of all, Cindy needed love! T意思是:“辛迪需要关心,最重要的是辛迪需要爱!”故选D。
【小题5】考查动词辨析。A“停止B继续”C“帮助”D“知道”。由There just had to be a way of 45 her.可知他们只是需要找到一种去了解她的方法。故选C。
【小题6】考查副词辨析。A“很,非常”B“一点”C“一些”D“一小部分”。根yet Sunday would come and go and she saw   , if any, change.意为日子一天天过去,他看到辛迪哪怕是有一点的变化。故选B。
【小题7】考查动词辨析。   A. 学习B.喜欢 C.取代 D. 打。Then one day Brenda asked Cindy if she could   a role in a Christmas programme意思是:然后有一天布兰达问辛迪他是否愿意在圣诞节上表演节目。故选D。
【小题8】考查动词辨析。A. 问B. 开始C.计划D. 学习。the children were   to do.意思是:孩子们计划去做。故选C。
【小题9】考查名词辨析。A. 代替B. 吵闹C. 声音D. 问题T “Better than you?” came Brenda’s  .意思是:找个更好的人去代替辛迪。故选A。
【小题10】考查名词辨析。 A. 没有一个人B. 任何人C. 一个都没有D.每个人I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and    them to look for gifts of about four dollars each.意思是:我给了每个孩子二十美元并且提醒他们去挑每个礼物四美元的,故选B。
【小题11】考查副词辨析。A从不B“经常C总是”D“绝不”“Well, I’ve   been asked to do anything before because I’m not good.意思是:我绝不会做我做不好的事情。故选D。
【小题12】考查副词辨析。A“好的”B“坏的C.正确的。D贫困的。e    I won’t get the  part   and意思是:我不会获得好的一部分。 故选C。
【小题13】考查名词辨析。A“环境B“项目C“发明”Dthen everyone will be mad at me for messing up(弄糟)their   ,” 大家会生气因为我搞糟了他们的节目。故选B。
【小题14】考查形容词辨析。A.温和的 B. 高的C. 吵闹的D.清楚的明了的 “Oh, Cindy,” said Brenda in a     voice.意思是:哦,辛迪,他以一个很清晰的声音说。故选D。
【小题15】考查形容词辨析。A. 高兴地 B幸运地C. 自豪的D. 对不起I am so   that you think that, but you are so wrong.意思是我很高兴你能这么想但是你想错了。故选A
【小题16】考查形容词辨析。A.快乐的B.伤心的.C.有价值的D.美丽的Don’t you realize how     you are?”意思是 小你难道没有意识到你多有价值吗。故选C。
【小题17】考查动词辨析。A“说”B“来自”C“收到”D“离开“No,”    a reply in a low voice不,回答自一个低低的声音。 故选B。
【小题18】考查名词辨析。A.安静的 B. 有问题的 C. 公众的D. 眼泪because Cindy was now  in   .意思是:因为辛迪现在安静了下来。故选A。
【小题19】考查副词辨析。A“然后”B“但是”C“作为”D“因为”。    I’ll have a try,”意思是:我会尽我最大的努力的。故选C.
【小题20】考查动词辨析。A拒绝B“期望C“收到”D“分开said Cindy as she     a hug from her teacher for the first time!辛迪第一次期望从他的老师那里得到一个拥抱。故选B 。