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答案:【小题1】Thanks for helping me clean the room.
【小题2】He has too many things to do after school every day.
【小题3】Is the man with glasses interested in collecting stamps?
【小题4】People often celebrate Christmas on the evening of December 24th .
【小题5】My family are watching a volleyball game on TV
【小题1】句意:谢谢你帮我打扫房间。故答案是Thanks for helping me clean the room..
【小题2】句意:他每天放学后有太多的事情要做。故答案是He has too many things to do after school every day.。
【小题3】句意:那个戴眼镜的男孩对集邮感兴趣吗?故填Is the man with glasses interested in collecting stamps?。
【小题4】句意:人们通常在12月24日的晚上开个晚会来庆祝圣诞节。故填People often celebrate Christmas on the evening of December 24th .
【小题5】句意:我的家人现在正在看电视上的一场排球比赛。故填My family are watching a volleyball game on TV.