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My son was born 12 weeks premature(早产的).When he was born, the doctors told me that he had only 12 % chance of       .And if he did survive,there was a 99%chance that he would have serious health problems. They said he would be in the hospital for a lifetime. But they would never      ,even if there was only a little hope.
I didn't think he would live until the day I had to go back home without my     .A nurse took me to my son's room when I was     the hospital.“He hasn't been able to open his eyes yet",the     told me. I spoke to him with tears. To my great      ,he opened his eyes! I was so      .!My baby heard my voice and was trying to      me!
My son began to prove the doctors were      .When he was 6 weeks old,he finally left the hospital.
But he      had a lot of trouble learning how to breathe on his own. I remember he once stopped      and turned grey after eating. I turned to the doctors and they made him      again. he also had difficulty with     .The doctors had to leave a tube placed in his stomach     he could get enough food.
When my little baby was 3 months old,he was so35at that time---he was only 5 pounds in weight. The doctors got the      out last year because he could eat without it and now he is a 5-year-old healthy boy.
I will never forget how     his life is and how many people fought to save him. I am forever      for what the doctors did. I really believe that it was      that saved my baby's life. So never      hope!
A.get backB.give upC.give inD.get up
【小题1】 A考查动词 :根据And if he did survive,there was a 99%chance that he would have serious health problems.可知这里意思是他仅有12%的存活机会。填surviving。Surviving幸存;recovering恢复;succeeding成功;escaping逃跑。
【小题2】 B考查固定短语 :根据They said he would be in the hospital for a lifetime. But they would never       ,even if there was only a little hope.可知这里意思是即使只有一点希望,他们也决不放弃。get back得到;give up放弃;give in屈服;get up起床。
【小题3】C 考查名词 :根据My baby heard my voice and was trying to       me!可知这里填baby。Brother兄弟;husband丈夫;baby婴儿;parent父母。
【小题4】D考查动词 :根据A nurse took me to my son's room when I was      the hospital.可知这里意思是当我准备离开医院时。Visiting参观;calling喊;approaching接近;leaving离开。
【小题5】B 考查名词 :根据A nurse took me to my son's room when I was      the hospital.可知这里填nurse。Doctor医生;nurse护士;cleaner保洁员;reporter记者。
【小题6】A 考查名词 :根据he opened his eyes,可知令我非常吃惊。Surprise吃惊;disappointment失望;knowledge知识;sadness悲伤。
【小题7】 C考查形容词 :我的儿子睁开了眼睛,我自然是很高兴。Curious好奇;interested感兴趣;excited激动的;satisfied满意的。
【小题8】 B考查动词 :根据My baby heard my voice and was trying to       me!可知我的孩子听到了我的声音,设法在看我。Hurt伤害;see看到;influence影响;touch接触。
【小题9】 D考查形容词 :根据When he was 6 weeks old,he finally left the hospital.可知这里意思是我的儿子开始证明医生是错误的。Right正确的;wise聪明的;serious严肃的;wrong错误的。
【小题10】 C考查副词 :根据But he       had a lot of trouble learning how to breathe on his own.可知这里意思是但是他依然有许多麻烦。Hardly几乎不;never从不;still仍然;seldom很少。
【小题11】 D考查动词 :根据But he       had a lot of trouble learning how to breathe on his own.可知此处用breathing。Jumping跳;walking走;moving移动;breathing呼吸。
【小题12】 A考查形容词 :根据I turned to the doctors and they made him       again.可知这里意思是医生让他再次活过来。Alive活着的;active积极的;dead死去的;powerful强大的。
【小题13】 A考查动词 :根据The doctors had to leave a tube placed in his stomach       he could get enough food.可知这里意思是他吃东西也有困难。Eating吃东西;sleeping睡觉;standing站立;sitting坐。
【小题14】 C考查连词 :根据The doctors had to leave a tube placed in his stomach       he could get enough food.可知这里意思是因此他可以得到足够的事物。If如果;as所以;so因此;after在……之后。
【小题15】 B考查形容词 :根据he was only 5 pounds in weight.可知这里意思是他很瘦。Strong强的;thin瘦的;tall高的;clever聪明的。
【小题16】B 考查名词 :根据The doctors had to leave a tube placed in his stomach       he could get enough food.可知这里填tube。Bag书包;tube管子;food食物;metal金属。
【小题17】 D考查形容词 :根据I will never forget how37his life is and how many people fought to save him.可知这里意思是我不会忘记他的生命有多么珍贵。Wonderful精彩的;short短的;strong强的;valuable珍贵的。
【小题18】 C 考查形容词 :根据I will never forget how37his life is and how many people fought to save him. I am forever38for what the doctors did.可知这里意思非常感谢医生所做的一切。Regretful后悔的;hateful可恶的;thankful感激的;fearful害怕的。
【小题19】A考查名词 :根据I really believe that it was       that saved my baby's life.可知这里意思是我相信救我儿子的命有希望。Hope希望;encouragement鼓励;money钱;bravery勇敢。
【小题20】 D。考查动词 :根据So never40hope!可知这里意思是所以不要失去希望。Forget忘记;find发现;get得到;lose失去。