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My mother has always been a follower of traditional methods when it comes to anything. She cooks traditional food,likes dressing up traditionally and likes the traditional way of shopping. She loves going to markets and going from one shop to another to find out what suits her best. She can walk miles when it comes to shopping along with her friends. She knows all the local markets and shops and knows very well where she can get best discounts(折扣).
However,now she always gets tired when she goes out in the market. So one day I decided to introduce a new shop,which is much larger than usual markets and where she can also get discounts.I am talking about online gift stores. She has a basic knowledge of computers and can operate computers. At the beginning,she was doubtful about shopping from these online gift shops because she wasn’t too sure about the quality of the products.
One day I decided to get her some branded things so that she could build trust in these shops. I ordered a Timex watch and a Sisley handbag for her. She never bought things online,but when they were delivered as a gift,she jumped for joy. She could not believe that I had ordered these gifts for her despite her being not much positive about online shops. However,after she saw both the products,she was assured that these online gift shops sent the promised brands and products,she loved her new watch and handbag.
After this experience she ordered a gift for her friend's wedding. She chose a gift basket that could be made according to her requirements. They sent a beautifully decorated basket with fine wines and chocolates. The basket was so artistically decorated that it became her friend's favorite gift. Since then she has been consistently shopping online.
【小题1】What can we learn about the author's mother?
A.She lives in a traditional way.
B.She likes shopping very much.
C.She is kind and very humorous.
D.She always leads a simple life.
【小题2】Why does the author decide to introduce a new shop to her mother?
A.The new shop is much larger.
B.She can't go shopping as before.
C.There are more goods for her to choose from.
D.The goods in the new shop are much cheaper.
【小题3】What was the attitude of the author's mother to shopping online at first?
A.She thought it was a good idea.
B.She thought goods online were cheap.
C.She doubted the quality of the goods.
D.She worried about the difficulty in operation.
【小题4】The author decided to buy his mother some branded things_.
A.in order to please his mother
B.so that she could trust in shopping online
C.so that she would live a happy life in her later years
D.so that she would get a surprise on Mother's Day
试题分析: 文章介绍了作者的母亲以一种很传统的方式生活着。作者第一次给母亲介绍网上购物时,质疑商品的质量。作者为他的母亲买了牌子货是因为这样她就可以相信网上购物了。
【小题1】 A细节题。根据My mother has always been a follower of traditional methods when it comes to anything.可知作者的母亲以一种很传统的方式生活着。
【小题2】 B 推理题。根据However,now she always gets tired when she goes out in the market. So one day I decided to introduce a new shop,which is much larger than usual markets and where she can also get discounts.可知作者决定给母亲介绍一家新店是因为她不能像以前一样去商店了。
【小题3】 C细节题。根据At the beginning,she was doubtful about shopping from these online gift shops because she wasn’t too sure about the quality of the products.可知作者的母亲第一次网上购物时质疑商品的质量。
【小题4】B主旨大意题。根据One day I decided to get her some branded things so that she could build trust in these shops.可知作者为他的母亲买了牌子货是因为这样她就可以相信网上购物了。