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Suzanne Clement first met Xavier Dolan when he was 17 — an "ambitious, intelligent, hyperactive" young director who wanted to make a film called "J'ai tue ma mere" ("I Killed My Mother").
The Quebecois actress never doubted his talents. Now eight years later, she stars in his acclaimed film "Mommy," which has been selected as Canada's foreign-language entry to the Oscars.
"I think 'Mommy' is like a continuation of this amazing authenticity(真实性)that he puts into his work," said Clement in a recent telephone interview. "He's saying something very deep. And he started to say those deep things about his life when he was doing his first movie."
The film focuses on a trio of troubled characters: widowed mother Diane (Anne Dorval), her violent son Steve (Antoine-Olivier Pilon), and Kyla, a shy, mysterious neighbour with a terrible stammer(口吃)who offers to help (Clement).
While the dynamic between Diane and Steve is perhaps the most important, Kyla's character is equallycompelling. The viewer knows she is on leave from her teaching job and she recently stammered, but the reasons are left somewhat vague.
She said Dolan contacted her last summer, shortly before "Mommy" began filming, and sought help in fleshing out Kyla's story. "He told me, 'I have this third character and I'd love you to play her, but she's not very, very definite now. If you want to talk about her and give your input, I'd like to build her.'" she recalled.
"Mommy" opens in Toronto on Friday before screening in other Canadian cities. It premiered(首映)at the Cannes Film Festival in May, where audiences gave it a lengthy standing applause before it was awarded with the prestigious Jury Prize.
After appearing in Dolan's "J'ai tue ma mere" in 2009, Clement went on to star in his film "Laurence Anyways," for which she won the Cannes Un Certain Regard award for Best Actress in 2012.
【小题1】Which statement is True according to the passage?
A.Xavier Dolan made a film called “J’ai tue ma mere” when he’s 17.
B.When Suzanne Clement first met Dolan, she doubted his talents.
C.Dolan made the film “Mommy” at the age of 25.
D.Dolan’s film “Mommy” has received the Oscars.
【小题2】The underlined word “compelling” in Para.5 can be replaced by ________.
【小题3】How many films did Clement star in Dolan’s films?
【小题4】When the film “Mommy” premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, _________.
A.it received many criticisms.
B.it attracted no attention at all.
C.it turned out a success.
D.it had already been awarded with the Jury Prize.
【小题5】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Suzanne Clement and Xavier Dolan
B.Their successful film “Mommy”
C.All their successful films.
D.How to make a film.
【小题1】C 考查细节理解。根据文章以下哪个是正确的?uzanne Clement first met Xavier Dolan when he was 17.Now eight years later, she stars in his acclaimed film "Mommy," .uzanne Clement遇见Xavier Dolan的时候,他17岁。八年后,uzanne Clement出演了他的"Mommy," 。
【小题2】A 考查词义理解与推理判断。划线词 “compelling”在文中第五段可以被什么替换?Compelling引人注目的。
【小题3】B 考查推理判断。Clement饰演了几部Dolan的电影?After appearing in Dolan's "J'ai tue ma mere" in 2009, Clement went on to star in his film "Laurence Anyways," 由此可推断出她出演了三部他的电影。
【小题4】C 考查细节理解。电影“Mommy”在the Cannes Film Festival上首映时,有什么样的结果。C. it turned out a success.结果取得了成功。where audiences gave it a lengthy standing applause before it was awarded with the prestigious Jury Prize. 在这个电影被授予享有盛名的Jury Prize前,观众给予了连续不断的掌声。故选C.
【小题5】B 考查推理判断。本文主要关于什么?纵观全文,它都是紧紧围绕Mummy这一电影展开的。其他选项都与文章主要内容相符。