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Town Park Shelter offers rental shelters with various picnic tables, grills and play equipment for chilldren. Keep the food simple and easy, like barbecuing hot dogs or hamburgers. Follow up with a fun birthday cake from a grocery store or your own kitchen. We specially provide some firefighters’ equipment in case of a fire.

McDonald’soffers kids parties that include a party hostess dressed up as a cartoon movie star, food and cake at reasonable prices. Another great thing about the fast food reataurant is that fascinating playlands or plastic ball pits are available here so that kids can be entertained a lot while adults chat and relax a bit.

Glory Children’s Museumcan be a great place for kids under ten to hold a birthday party if you are interested in the history of fast food like hamburgers and snacks as well as the development of movies. We have party hostesses and provide some supplies. You may only need to bring a birthday cake and presents.

Chatari Movie Theaterrents out the entire theater with a big group discount on snacks and soda. Popular cartoon movies like Firefighters in  McDonald’s and An Escape from Tidy’s Community are on show every weekend. We particularly even allow you to bring in your own snacks and birthday cakes.

Richard Scarry Fire Stationprovides rooms that we allow the local residents to use for free. Also, our fire department gives the children of a birthday party a tour of the station and let them try on some of the firefighters’ equipment and get their photos taken as birthday gifts.

The Neighbourhood Club Houseis a club house in the community, which is either free or can be rented for a nominal fee by residents. It will give you more room than your home, and it is close enough to your home that you could set up the birthday party very easily.
【小题1】Mary’s mother, a successful businesswoman, would like to hold a grand birthday party for Mary’s fourteenth birthday this Saturday. The party should be held in an unusual place where Mary and her friends can eat snacks, play games as well as see films.
【小题2】Tony will be five years old next Sunday. Considering the weather is becoming warmer, his parents plan to take him to a place where they can have a barbecue, eat a birthday cake and play games with some relatives.
【小题3】Linda plans to invite her best friend Tom to celebrate her eleventh birthday. Both the children are fond of hamburgers, French fries and Coke. Also, the parents of the children want to take the opportunity to chat as well.
【小题4】Hunter would like to invite five friends to stay in his community to celebrate his fifteenth birthday. However, his home is very small, and his parents don’t want to hold the party outside their community or spend too much money on it.
【小题5】Peter, a ten-year-old boy, respects firefighters very much and shows great interest in extinguishing fire equipment and stories about firefighters. For his coming birthday, his parents hope to prepare a unique birthday party for him.
【小题1】D 根据玛丽母亲介绍可知,要为14岁生日的玛丽举办生日的party要有特色,她和她的小伙伴们能一起吃零食、玩游戏,还能看电影。选项D介绍的是的是一个允许自带生日蛋糕的出租电影院,提供零食等。这正符合要求。故选D。
【小题2】A 根据介绍,Tom的爸爸妈妈想要带他去一个能进行户外烧烤,吃生日蛋糕,玩游戏的地方过生日。选项A介绍的便是能提供野炊餐桌以及工具、以及供儿童玩耍的器材,并且能买到生日蛋糕的地方。符合要求。故选A。
【小题3】B 根据琳达,我们可知她和她的小伙伴们都喜欢汉堡包、薯条与可乐。并且孩子的家长也想趁此机会好好聊天。选项B,麦当劳能提供以上食物,并且还有其他具有吸引力的游戏场和塑料彩球池,从而家长们也可以放心地让孩子们玩耍,自己也能聊天消遣。符合要求。故选B。
【小题4】F 根据Hunter,他家有点小并且他爸爸妈妈不想在他们社区外举办生日聚会,同时也不想花费太多钱在这个上面。选项F是一个社区俱乐部,能免费提供或以低价租给居民。比你家里,它能提供更多的房间,并且与你的家离得很近。选项F能免费向当地居民提供房间来举行生日聚会,还能让孩子们试穿一些消防员的装备并能合照留影作为生日礼物。符合要求。故选F。
【小题5】E 根据peter,我们可以知道他很喜欢消防员,并且对区分消防装备和关于消防员的故事很感兴趣。选项E能免费向当地居民提供房间来举行生日聚会。另外,消防部还能带生日聚会上的孩子们游览消防站,还能让孩子们试穿一些消防员的装备并能合照留影作为生日礼物。符合要求。故选F。