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A beautiful ,expensively dressed lady came to see her doctor and complained that her whole ______ was empty: it had no meaning.
The doctor called over the old lady who______ the office floors, and then said to the rich lady, “I’m going to _____ Mary here to tell you how she found happiness. _____ I want you to do is to listen.”
So the old lady put_______ her broom and began her story: “Well, my husband died of malaria(疟疾) and three months later my______ son was killed by a car. I had nobody... I had nothing____. I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t eat; I never smiled at______, I even thought of taking my own life. Then one evening a little____ followed me home from work. Somehow I felt ______ for it. I decided to let the cat_______. I got it some milk, and it licked the______ clean. Then it purred(咕噜叫) and rubbed(蹭)against my ____, and for the first time in months, I smiled. Then I began to think: if_____ a little cat could make me smile, maybe doing something for people could make me_____. So the next day I took some biscuits to a neighbor who was______ in bed. Every day I tried to do something ______ for someone. It made me so happy to _____ them happy. Today, I don’t know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do. I’ve found _____, by giving it to others.”
When she heard that, the rich lady cried. She had everything that ____ could buy, but she had lost the things which money couldn’t buy.
A.cleanedB.madeC.stood onD.draw
A.sheB.peopleC.moneyD.her husband
【小题1】考查名词辨析。A:house房子;B:room房间;C:life生活;D:family家庭。A beautiful ,expensively dressed lady came to see her doctor and complained that her whole ______ was empty: it had no meaning.是说一个美丽的穿着昂贵衣服的女士向她的心理医生抱怨道,她的整个人生是空洞的,没有任何意义。故选C。
【小题2】考查动词辨析。A:cleaned清洗;B:made使;C:stood on站在;D:draw画。The doctor called over the old lady who______ the office floors是说于是精神科医生叫来了一位打扫办公室地板的老太太。故选A。
【小题3】考查动词辨析。A:let让;B:ask问;C:have有;D:teach教。“I’m going to _____ Mary here to tell you how she found happiness.这句话的意思是我要让玛丽来告诉你她是怎样找到幸福的。故选B。
【小题4】考查代词辨析。A:Something某些;B:Both二者;C:Everything一切;D:All所有。____ I want you to do is to listen.我想让你做的就是倾听。故选D。
【小题5】考查介词辨析。A:down下来;B:in在;C:off关闭;D:on上。根据下文Well, my husband died of malaria(疟疾)and…可知,老太太放下扫把,坐在椅子上讲述了她的故事。故选A。
【小题6】考查形容词辨析。A:elder老年人;B:bigger更大的;C:only唯一的;D:younger年轻的。Well, my husband died of malaria(疟疾) and three months later my______ son was killed by a car.这里指老太太的丈夫死于疟疾,三个月后她唯一的儿子也被车撞死。故选C。
【小题7】考查动词辨析。A:better更好的;B:left留下;C:made使;D:wrong错误的。I had nobody... I had nothing___.这里前后句构成并列,指这个老太太孤身一人,什么都没有了。nothing left指一干二净,荡然无存的含义。故选B。
【小题8】考查代词辨析。A:anyone任何人;B:everyone每个人;C. husband丈夫;D:son儿子。I never smiled at_____由于老太太失去了丈夫和儿子感到悲痛,因此从不向任何人微笑。故选A。
【小题9】考查名词辨析。A:boy男孩;B:girl女孩;C:dog狗;D:cat猫。由下文I decided to let the cat来的是只饥饿的猫。故选D。
【小题10】考查形容词辨析。A:happy快乐的;B:sorry对不起的,同情的;C:worry担心的;D:sad伤心的。Somehow I felt _____ for it.是指不管怎样老太太同情那只猫,feel sorry for同情的含义。故选B。
【小题11】考查介词辨析。A:in在;B:away离开;C:go去;D:come来。由I got it some milk,可知,老太太让小猫进来了。故选A。
【小题12】考查名词辨析。A:floor地板;B:house房子;C:plate盘子;D:milk牛奶。it licked the_____ clean.由于猫很饥饿和渴,它把盘子添得很干净。故选C。
【小题13】考查名词辨析。A:head头;B:leg腿;C:floor地板;D:bed床。Then it purred(咕噜叫) and rubbed(蹭)against my ____,小猫喝完牛奶后,蹭着老太太的腿发出呼噜声。故选B。
【小题14】考查动词辨析。A:help帮助;B:helping帮助;C:feed喂养;D:feeding喂养。if_____ a little cat could make me smile老太太自己想如果帮助一只小猫可以使自己微笑,这里用动名词helping作主语,故选B。
【小题16】考查形容词辨析。A:sleep睡眠;B:happy快乐的;C:sick生病的;D:glad高兴的。So the next day I took some biscuits to a neighbor who was_____ in bed.于是第二天老太太烤了一些饼干带给了一个生病卧床的邻居。故选C。
【小题17】考查形容词辨析。A:better更好的;B:nice好的;C:wrong错误的;D:interested感兴趣的。Every day I tried to do something ______ for someone. Today, I don’t know of anybody who sleeps and eats better than I do.
【小题18】考查动词辨析。A:see看到;B:know知道;C:look看;D:feel感觉。It made me so happy to _____ them happy.老太太看到别人快乐自己也感到很高兴。故选A。
【小题19】考查名词辨析。A:happiness幸福;B:life生活;C:value价值;D:meaning意义。I’ve found ____, by giving it to others.”老太太看到他们快乐自己就非常快乐。故选A。
【小题20】考查名词辨析。A:she她;B:people人类;C:money钱;D:her husband她丈夫。When she heard that, the rich lady cried. She had everything that __55__ could buy, but she had lost the things which money couldn’t buy.听到这些,富太太哭了起来,她拥有金钱可以买到的任何东西,但是她丢失了金钱买不到的东西。故选C。