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【小题1】The project was completed ahead of ____________. (时间表)
【小题2】China’s ____________ (态度)towards the event is very important.
【小题3】Once you show the sign of fear, the lion will a____________ you.
【小题4】Fortunately, all the people were able to e___________ from the burning restaurant.
【小题5】His parents decided to send him abroad to receive further _____________.(教育)
【小题6】UNESCO is a very important _____________(组织), which plays an important role in international affairs.
【小题7】The J_____________ to the Centre of the Earth(地心之旅) is a very popular science fiction.
【小题8】I didn't r_____________ him at first as he wasn't wearing his glasses.
【小题9】I had thought he was lying. A___________, he was telling the truth.
【小题10】It is good for your health to do regular exercise ___________(在户外)。
【小题1】考查名词。句意:这个工程提前完工了。ahead of提前,schedule时间表,进度表,故填schedule。
【小题2】考查名词。one’s attitude to/towards...对......的态度,attitude态度,看法,故填attitude。
【小题4】考查动词。句意:幸运的是,所有的人都逃出了失火的饭店。was able to do sth指过去做成了某事,相当于managed to do sth,escape from...逃离......,故填escape。
【小题5】考查名词。further指距离更远或程度上的更进一步,for further education继续深造,故填education。
【小题9】考查副词。句意:我原以为他是在撒谎,实际上,他说的是实话。actually实际上,事实上,相当于in fact,故填actually。