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A                                            B
【小题1】What color are they?              A. He is very well.
【小题2】Who´s this man?                   B. They are blue.
【小题3】What are these?                   C. They are yellow socks.
【小题4】Let’s play soccer.               D. Yes, please.
【小题5】Can I help you?                  E. It’s under the desk.
【小题6】Is this your shcoolbag?          F. Thank you.
【小题7】Where’s your math book?         G. You’re welcome.
【小题8】The sweater looks nice on you.   H. He’s my teacher.
【小题9】Thanks for your dictionary.       I. No, it’s Lucy’s.
【小题10】How is your grandpa?             J. That sounds boring.
【小题1】根据上文,可知句意为:1.What color are they?它们是什么颜色?B. They are blue它们是蓝色。故选B。
【小题2】根据上文,可知句意为2.Who´s this man?这个男人是谁? H. He’s my teacher.他是我的老师。故选H。
【小题3】根据上文,可知句意为:3.What are these? 这些是什么?C. They are yellow socks.它们是黄色的袜子.故选C。
【小题4】根据上文,可知句意为:4.Let’s play soccer.。让我们去踢足球吧。J. That sounds boring.听起来很无聊。故选J。
【小题5】根据上文,可知句意为:5.Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?D. Yes, please.是的,请。故选D
【小题6】根据上文,可知句意为:6.Is this your shcoolbag? 这是你的书包吗?I. No, it’s Lucy’s.不,它是露西的。故选I。
【小题7】根据上文,可知句意为:7.Where’s your math book? 你的数学书在哪儿?E. It’s under the desk.在桌子底下。故选E。
【 小题8】根据上文,可知句意为8.The sweater looks nice on you. 你穿上这件羊毛衫真好看。F. Thank you.谢谢。故选F。
【小题9】根据上文,可知句意为:9.Thanks for your dictionary. 谢谢的词典。G. You’re welcome.不客气。故选G。
【小题10】根据上文,可知句意为:10.How is your grandpa?你外公好吗?A. He is very well.他很好。故选A。