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| 月考试卷
| 九年级
| 浙江
2. 语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)
Try reading the following sentences as fast as you can. “She sells seashells(贝壳) by the seashore(海边). The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she _【小题1】shells on the seashore, I’m sure she sells seashore shells.”
Not very easy, was it? What you’ve just read is 【小题2】(call) a tongue twister (绕口令). It is an exercise made up of sounds that are hard to pronounce in order to help people pronounce words faster and _【小题3】correctly. Try the next example.
“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper _【小题4】(pick) a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled _【小题5】, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”
Tongue twisters usually do not have much 【小题6】(mean). They are just used to improve people’s ability to pronounce words. Although they may be very 【小题7】, these exercises are very important to people who are trying to speak English _【小题8】(correct). This is because tongue twisters help people to tell the differences between similar sounds.
So if you wish 【小题9】 words more smoothly(流畅地), you’d better try picking out some tongue twisters and _【小题10】(practise) them.
1. 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
When I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was a    . It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school and my old school was far away.   , no one knew whom I was. I was very lonely and afraid to make friends with    .
Every time I heard the other students talking and    . I     my heart break. I couldn’t talk to anyone about my problem, and I didn’t want my parents to     me. Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat my desk     as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didn’t know     he was. He passed me and then turned back. He     me and without a word, smiled.
Suddenly I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It     me feel happy, alive and    . That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other students and made friends. Day by day, I became     to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile     my best friend since then.
After this, I began to _   love and joy everywhere I go. I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will _  .
A.As usualB.As a resultC.The same asD.Such as
A.laughter B.to laughC.laughingD.laugh
A.hear aboutB.talk aboutC.care forD.worry about
A.listened toB.looked atC.dressed upD.rushed to
A.becameB.has becomeC.becomeD.is becoming
A.end up withB.laid outC.stealD.spread
A.look backB.come backC.turn backD.smile back
2. Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their life are their friends. They believe that their family don’t know them as well as their friends do. In large families ,it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight, and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.
It’s very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend much time on the phone. This communication is very important in children’s growing up, because friends can be the right one to talk about something with .These things are difficult to say to the family.
However, parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them. Some parents even ask their children not to meet their good friends.
【小题1】Many teenagers think that _______can understand them better.
【小题2】________ is very important to teenagers .
A.To make friendsB.To fight with brothers
C.To stop meeting friendsD.To phone parents
【小题3】When teenagers have something difficult to say to their parents, they usually ________ .
A.stay alone at home
B.fight with their parents
C.talk to their friends
D.go to their brothers and sisters for help
【小题4】According to the passage ,which of the sentence is TRUE?
A.Parents should choose everything they like.
B.Children should choose everything they like.
C.Parents should understand their children better.
D.Teenagers should only go to their friends for help.
3. Mr.King works in a shop and drives a car for the manager. He drives carefully and can keep calm in time of danger. And he escaped from several accidents. The manager pays him more and the traffic policemen often speak highly of him.
Mr.Baker, one of his friends, works in a factory outside the city. It's far from his house and he has to go to work by bus. As the traffic is crowded in the morning, sometimes he's late for the work. His manager warns the young man that he will be sent away unless he gets to his office on time. He hopes to buy a car, but he hasn't enough money. He decides to buy an old one. He went to the flea (跳蚤) market and at last he chose a beautiful but cheap car. He said he wanted to have a trial (试验) drive, the seller agreed.
He called Mr. King and asked him to help him. Mr.King examined the car at first and then drove it away. It was five in the morning and there were few cars in the street. At first he drove slowly and it worked well. Then he drove fast. And when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman who was crossing the street. A policeman told him to stop, but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road. “Didn't you hear me?” the policeman asked angrily. “Yes, I did, sir.” said Mr.King, “Since it doesn't listen to me, can it listen to you?”
【小题1】From the passage, we know Mr.King is a ________.
【小题2】Mr.Baker went to the flea market to ________.
A.buy a second­hand carB.have a trial drive
C.choose a new carD.sell his old car
【小题3】Mr.King tried to stop the car when ________.
A.he saw an old woman crossing the street
B.he saw a big tree
C.the traffic lights turned red
D.the policeman shouted angrily at him
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Mr.King will be sent away if he keeps being late.
B.Mr.Baker can't afford to buy an old car.
C.Mr.King didn't hear the policeman.
D.Something was wrong with the car.
4. Do you know why different animals or pests (昆虫) have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.
Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops(庄稼). When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.
If you study the animal life, you’ll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters (猎人). This is because they have the colors much like the trees.
Have you ever noticed an even stranger act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid (液体)when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over (散开), its enemies (敌人)cannot find it. And it quickly swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.
【小题1】From the passage we learn that locusts________.
A.are small animals
B.are easily found by birds
C.are dangerous to their enemies
D.change their colors to protect themselves
【小题2】Bears and lions can keep safe because _________.
A.they have the colors much like the trees
B.they move quietly
C.they like brown and gray colors
D.they live in forests
【小题3】Why can the kind of fish live up to now?
A.Because it is very and strong.
B.Because it can change the colors.
C.Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies.
D.Because it swims faster than any other fish.
【小题4】Which is the best title for this passage?
A.The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests
B.Colors of Different Animals and Pests
C.The Main Use of Colors
D.Some Animals and Pests