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| 同步测试
| 八年级
| 福建
1. 完形填空(5分)
Once there was an old mall in a town.He always forgot       things.So his wife always had to say to him,“Don’t forget this!”One day he went on a long trip(旅行)alone.Before he________home,his wife said,“Now you have all these_________.They are what you need for your trip.Take care of your things during the trip.”He went to the station,bought a ticket and__________the train with it.
________haft an hour later,the conductor began to check the tickets,He came to the old man and said,“Will you please__________me your ticket?”The old marl looked for his ticket in all his pockets,but he could not find__________.He was very worried.“I can’t find my ticket.I realty bought a ticket__________I got on the train,”said the old man.
“I believe(相信)you have bought a ticket.All right,you don’t have to buy__________one,”said the conductor kindly.“But how can I know__________I'm going?I can’t remember my station!,the old man said sadly.
A.a lot ofB.a kind ofC.a piece ofD.a pair of
A.got offB.went onC.got onD.passed on
A.otherB.the otherC.the othersD.another
1. Strange,but the green sea turtle is not that green.  It’s certainly not as green as a tree.  In fact,its shell(壳)is nearly black or brown.The largest hard-shelled sea turtle is between 200 and 300 pounds heavy and a shell is between 36 and 43 inches(英尺)long.But its head is smaller than other turtles.
Little baby green sea turtles are only two inches long.As the turtle grows up,its shell keeps mostly black while the body turns orange or brown.Young turtles like living in the sea,especially in areas with 1ots of sea grasses.
Green sea turtles,like all sea turtles,are very different from land or river turtles.All sea turtles can swim through the water faster.Instead of feet for walking,sea turtles have flippers(鳍状肢)which are better for swimming.The flippers aren’t good on land,however,and walking is hard for a sea turtle because they are usually big and heavy.
One other interesting thing about a sea turtle’s flippers is that they cannot be pulled into their shells.Land turtles can pull their feet into their shells for protection.but a sea turtle can’t.
【小题1】回答问题:Are green sea turtles green?
【小题3】回答问题:Why is walking hard for green turtles?
【小题4】写出“Green sea turtles are very different from land or river turtles.”的同义句:
【小题5】回答问题:What is the interesting difference between sea turtles and land turtles?
2. The trouble started when Mrs Cady lost control of her car on a mountain road.The car fell down thirty feet from the road into the water.It rolled over once and landed right side up in the rushing water.All three people,Mrs Cady,and her two daughters,were wearing their seatbelts.Luckily,nobody was hurt;however,they couldn’t leave the car.
The rescue(救援)started almost at once.Another driver told the police about the trouble.The police called rescue workers and a truck to pull the car out.The driver of the truck,Paul.arrived first.Immediately(立刻)he took a rope from his truck and began to walk through the rushing water to the car.Then he got caught in the ropes.He went under the water by the ear.Mrs Cady saw him and pulled as hard as she could and brought him to the car door.
Next the other rescue workers arrived.They put on special suits to keep warm.They brought safety ropes,life jackets,and warm blankets.First they pulled the people out of the back window onto the top of the car.Then they swam with each person to shore.They saved Paul,Mrs Cady,and the little girls.
【小题1】Where did the trouble start?
A.In the river.B.On a mountain road.
C.Under the water.D.In a big city.
【小题2】How many people were in danger?
【小题3】Who was Paul?
A.A man in Mrs.Cady’s car.
B.A policeman.
C.A doctor.
D.The driver of a rescue truck.
【小题4】Who brought Paul to the car door?
A.Mrs Cady.B.Mr Cady.
C.The girls.D.The rescue workers.
【小题5】What was the most possible(可能)season when the trouble took place?