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One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river. It was very hot. How happy they were in the river! After they got out of the water, they played games in the sun for a while.
On their way back, Henry saw some flowers. He liked flowers very much and ran into the green field to look at them. Now Allan was walking by himself.
Then he heard Henry calling out, "A snake(蛇)! Help!..."
"What's wrong with you?" asked Allan.
"A snake bit(咬)me in the leg. Come here!"
Allan ran over and saw a small red wound(伤口)on Henry' s leg.
"The snake was in the grass. I didn't see it."
"Sit down quickly"! Allan told Henry.
Allan put his mouth at the little red wound and began to suck(吸)at it. In this way he saved (挽救)Henry's life. "Oh, Allan, it's very kind of you to help me."
"That's all right. We are friends and we must always help each other."
【小题1】It was________ when Allan and Henry went out.
【小题2】On their way home,________ got something wrong with his
A.Allan; legB.Allan; head
C.Henry; legD.Henry; head
【小题3】Henry and Allan are________.
A.workersB.good friends
【小题4】Which of the following(下面的)is true?
A.Henry went to look at the flowers with Allan.
B.Allan saved Henry' s life.
C.Allan saw the snake.
D.They ran to the hospital at once.
【小题1】细节理解题。问题:当艾伦与亨利外出时,天气如何?分析原句:One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming ina river. It was very hot.句意:有一天,艾伦和他的朋友亨利去河里游泳。天气很热。明确答案,天气很热。故选A
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:在回家的路上,谁受伤了?分析原文:Allan ran over and saw a small red wound(伤口)on Henry' s leg.句意:艾伦跑过去,看到一个小红色的伤口在亨利的腿上。结合上下文得知是亨利受伤了。故选C
【小题3】细节理解题。问题:艾伦与亨利的关系?分析原文:One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river.句意:有一天,艾伦和他的朋友亨利去河里游泳。通过前文的介绍,明确他们的关系是朋友。故选B