Monthly Income | Amount | Monthly Expense | Amount |
Allowance | $20.00 | Snacks | $20.00 |
Money earned selling drinks | $25.00 | Music downloads | $12.00 |
Money earned babysitting | $12.50 | Movies | $18.00 |
Money earned delivering newspapers | $30.00 | Video rental | $10.00 |
Total | $87.50 | Total | $66.00 |
A.Children. | B.Parents. |
C.Breadwinners. | D.Bank managers. |
A.learn to be realistic | B.increase their saving |
C.manage their money well | D.test their power-control |
A.Fill in the expenses as they really are. |
B.Avoid spending money on expensive things. |
C.Set aside a fixed amount of money as savings. |
D.List income and expenses on two pieces of paper. |
A.the importance of making a budget | to make a budget | to form good habits | to spend money |