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摘录信息 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文后小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语,并将答案转写在答卷上。注意每空不超过三个单词。
Colors can affect our feelings. Generally, they can be divided into four kinds. They are calm colors, warm colors, energetic colors and strong colors.
Calm colors  Some colors make us feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of those colors. Blue can also represent sadness, so you may say “I’m feeling blue” when you are feeling sad. White is another calm color. It makes you feel calm and peaceful.
Warm colors  Some colors can give you a happy and satisfied feeling. Colors like orange or yellow belong to these. Orange represent joy. It can bring you success and cheer you up when you’re feeling sad. Yellow is the color of the sun and wisdom, too.
Energetic colors  When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colors, such as green. Green can give you energy as it is the color of nature and represent new life and growth.
Strong colors  Anyone who needs physical or mental(精神的) strength should wear red clothes. Red is the color of heat and represent power and strong feelings.
【小题1】   :   Colors and 【小题2】    
calm colors
calm and peaceful
warm colors
【小题8】       colors
strong colors
【小题3】Kinds/ Types (of colors)
【小题6】happy and satisfied
【小题10】strong/ powerful/ strong and powerful
试题分析:颜色可以影响我们的感情。一般来说,可以分为四种:平静的颜色、 温暖的颜色、 充满活力的颜色和强烈的色彩。具体有哪些颜色代表什么情感,我们还是仔细阅读文章吧。
【小题1】本文讲述的是颜色和人的情感。所以第一空填title 题目。
【小题2】本文讲述的是颜色和人的情感。前面有Colors and ,所以后面是feelings情感
【小题3】表格分为三列,最左边是颜色的类型:Kinds/ Types (of colors)。中间是代表的情感。
【小题4】最右边是例子。 所以填Examples。
【小题5】Calm colors 中提到蓝色和白色,white 已经有了,所以填blue蓝色。
【小题6】在Warm colors部分中提到,暖色能给你快乐和满足的感觉。所以填happy and satisfied。
【小题7】Warm colors中提到orange和yellow,orange已经写出,所以填orange桔黄色。
【小题8】Energetic colors 让人充满活力,所以填energetic。
【小题9】Energetic colors 提到绿色,所以填green。
【小题10】Strong colors 代表着力量和强烈的感情,所以填strong/ powerful/ strong and powerful。