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Look at this photo. ①The boy’s name is John. He has two sisters. ②The one in the white dress is his sister, Rose. The other one in the yellow dress is his sister, Mary. Rose and Mary have the same age. They look the same. They are ③twins. John and his sisters are in different schools. ④They have good friends in the school. Their dad and mom are English teachers. They like their students. The family are happy.
【小题1】写出①句的同义句。(   )
A,The boy is John.  B The boy name is Jone  C The boy are John    D, The boy isn’t John
【小题2】根据②句的意思, 请把它补充完整。
(1)The girl’s dress ____ ____.
A.is whiteB.are white
C.is blackD.are black
【小题3】根据上下文意思, ③单词的汉语意思是:(   )
【小题4】请把④句变成否定句。(   )
They have good friends in the school
A.They don’t have good freinds in the school
B.They isn’t have good friends in the school
C.They aren’t have good friends in the school
D.They has good friends in the school
【小题5】下列说法正确的是 (   )。
A.The two girls are in the same dress.
B.The two girls look the same.
C.John and his sister are in the same school.
D.John’s mom is not a teacher.
试题分析:看看这张照片。这个男孩的名字叫约翰。他有两个姐妹。 罗斯和玛丽有相同的年龄。她们看起来是一样的。约翰和他的姐妹们都在不同的学校。他们在学校有好朋友。他们的爸爸和妈妈是英语老师。他们喜欢他们的学生。
【小题1】细节理解题。问题:写出①句的同义句。联系原文:The boy’s name is John.句意:这名男孩的名字是约翰。结合选项,明确这个男孩是约翰。因此第一项正确。故选A.
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:根据②句的意思, 请把它补充完整。 联系原文:The one in the white dress is his sister, Rose. 句意:他的妹妹罗斯穿着白色的裙子。通过问题体现为这名女孩的裙子是白色的。故选B
【小题3】细节理解题。问题:根据上下文意思, ③单词的汉语意思是什么?联系原文:Rose and Mary have the same age. They look the same. 句意:罗斯和玛丽有相同的年龄。她们看起来是一样的。明确这双胎胞之意。故选A
【小题5】细节理解题。问题:下列说法正确的是什么?联系原文:They look the same. 句意:她们看起来一样。结合选项,第二项正确。故选B