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Without a shadow of a doubt, my grandfather is the single most influential person in my life. He was more than just my grandfather and I’m proud to say, my _________.
As a child there was no safer place than the security of his lap. I would watch horror movies on TV from behind his recliner. The monsters wouldn’t dream of _______ me there! He taught me how to appreciate beautiful foods. I remember, at age 5. __________ on a chair by the stove as he taught me how to make scrambled eggs.
He was warm, loving, firm and straightforward. He had a ________ of accepting whatever came his way with no _________ than a shrug. His deep faith carried him through what life had to offer.
He loved baseball ( especially the Pittsburgh Pirates- except when they ________ a game! ). He would often have one game on television while listening to another on his radio and he could tell you what was going on in both games. When he __________ 90, his other grandson, Bill, gave him an autographed photo of Willie Stargell, his favorite Pirate player. He was so __________ of that birthday present.
He was seldom sick. He just wouldn’t _______. Various family members often joked that he would be pushing all of us around the block in wheelchairs as he jogged. Some people have a small garden in their backyard. My grandfather had a huge ________. He would grow some flowers and vegetables. He always had something to do and it was __________ done well. Whenever anything was broken, it was taken to my grandfather.
At the age of 92 , he __________. Father of three, grandfather of three, great-grandfather of ten, friend of countless individuals, this remarkable man touched all of our lives and we are better for the experience.
I love you, grandpa.
A.coming forB.rushing toC.moving aboutD.turning to
A.delayedB.called offC.lostD.gave up
A.give upB.slow downC.send awayD.take in
A.passed awayB.passed outC.passed throughD.passed down
【小题4】考查名词辨析。A白天;B地方;C方式、方法;D时间。从上文可知,爷爷是热情的,钟情的,公平和坦率的,故他有一种接受任何方式的方法--仅仅耸耸肩。have a way of 固定短语,有……的方法。故选C。
【小题5】考查固定搭配。A no longer than ;B no more than仅仅、只是 ;C no less than 不少于、多达;D no better than 几乎等于、实际上和…一样。他有一种接受任何方式的方法--仅仅耸耸肩。故选B。
【小题6】考查动词辨析。A延迟;B取消、依次叫名;C失去,输掉;D放弃。前文,爷爷喜爱棒球运动,那么自然也喜欢棒球队获胜,因此,这里的理解是especially the Pittsburgh Pirates-尤其是Pittsburgh Pirates,除了他们输掉比赛的时候,故选C。
【小题7】考查动词辨析。A接近;B通过;C成长、长大;D变得、变成。当他到90岁时,他的另一个孙子,比尔,给他一张有Willie Stargell亲笔签名的照片。用turn指暗含经过一定的变化,所产生的结果,故选D。
【小题8】考查形容词辨析。A自豪的;B疲惫的;C激动的;D疯狂的。有前面提到他的另一个孙子,比尔,给他一张有Willie Stargell亲笔签名的照片,而且Willie Stargell是他最喜欢的海盗演员,故爷爷对这个生日礼物感到很自豪,be proud of ,自豪;be excited about,激动、兴奋。故选A。
【小题10】考查名词辨析。A厨房;B图书馆;C塔;D花园。根据前文,Some people have a small garden in their backyard.一些人家在他们的后院拥有一个小的花园,故相对应地作者谈到他的爷爷有一个巨大的花园。故选B。
【小题12】考查动词短语辨析。A去世;B昏倒;C穿过、通过;D传下来、遗传。在92岁时,爷爷去世了。有下文this remarkable man touched all of our lives and we are better for the experience.这个卓越的人感动了我们所有人的生命,我们都很庆幸有过这段经历。