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It’s such a shame to lose a free throw. Playing in the court has pressure from the opponent, time, your teammates, the audience, and yourself. You have to shoot the ball despite all the pressures around. But with a free throw, you have the ball, no one will try to get it from you, and you have all the time to shoot the ball. But why is it that many players, even good shooters, miss most of their free throws? Maybe they need more practice or maybe they need to apply more ways to improve their free throw.
Improve your player or your free throwing skills by following the tips below:
Make it personal. The truth is, there is no rule on how one should handle and throw the ball in a free throw. What matters is that the player should shoot the ball from the free throw line no matter how he does it. So when trying to improve your free throw shooting, better stick to what works the best for you. Do not copy other people’s techniques. Make it your own and leave those techniques as theirs.
Formulate (公式化) a repetitive way of shooting the ball. A free throw should be personalized. But it should also be repetitive. You should be able to repeat your free throw techniques whether you are in your court or in another court, whether you are energized or tired. You can’t say you have a personal free throw technique if you can’t repeat it over and over again.
Shoot at the same position and distance for every free throw. Basketball courts may be located in different places or maybe marked with different paint colors. But all of these courts maintain the same distance from theringto the free throw line. Familiarize your perfect position when making your free throws. That should help you do your perfect throw.
【小题1】Why do so many players fail to make a successful free throw?
A.Because they don’t have any special skills.
B.Because they are lacking in practice and tips.
C.Because they are not so familiar with rules.
D.Because many of them are green hands.
【小题2】What can you do if you want to be a wonderful free thrower?
A.Learn from others.
B.Form your own throwing skills.
C.Keep active in the court.
D.Learn to throw in different locations.
【小题3】The underlined word “ring” in the last paragraph may most probably mean “________”.
【小题4】Which of the following might serve as the best title of the above passage?
A.How to play basketball successfully in the court.
B.How to improve your basketball throw skills.
C.How to gain more points in throwing.
D.How to improve your basketball free throwing.
【小题1】细节题。由第一自然段最后一句Maybe they need more practice or maybe they need to apply more ways to improve their free throw. 意思是:或许他们需要更多的实践,或者他们需要运用更多的方法提升他们射球。可知:他们缺少实践和建议。故选B。
【小题2】推断题。由第四自然段A free throw should be personalized. But it should also be repetitive.意思是:罚球应个性化,但也应该重复。可知要想成为一个出色的罚球队员,队员要形成自己独特的射球风格。故选B。
【小题3】细节题。由第二自然段Basketball courts may be located in different places or maybe marked with different paint colors.意思是:篮球场可能在不同的位置,被不同的颜色打上记号。所以But all of these courts maintain the same distance from the ring to the free throw line.意思是:但是所有的球场从球到罚球线,保持着相同的距离。故选C。
【小题4】主旨推断题。由第一自然段It’s such a shame to lose a free throw可知:文章主要针对许多罚球失误,而提出几种投射罚球的建议和练习。故而全文主要讲述了如何提升篮球罚球。故选D。