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When you wave to a friend, you are using body language. When you smile at someone you mean to be friendly. When you put one finger in front of your mouth, you mean “be quiet.”
Yet, people in different countries may use different body languages.
Once an Englishman was in Italy. He could speak little Italian. One day while he was walking in the street, he felt hungry and went into a restaurant. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, put his fingers into it and took them out again and moved his lips. In this way, he meant to say, “ Bring me something to eat.” But the waiter brought him a lot of things to drink,
first tea, then coffee then milk, but no food.
The Englishman was sorry that he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry. He was ready to leave the restaurant when another man came in. The man put his hands on his stomach, and this body language was good enough for the waiter. In a few minutes, the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat.
Finally the Englishman had his meal in the same way.
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。
【小题1】How many persons were mentioned in this story?
【小题2】What do you mean if you put one finger in front of your mouth?
【小题3】Why did the Englishman feel sorry at first?
【小题4】Did the Englishman have the meal finally?
【小题5】What body language can you use if you want to show you’re friendly ?
【小题2】Be quiet.
【小题3】Because he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry.
【小题4】Yes, he did.
【小题5】Smile at someone
【小题2】回答问题。根据文中When you put one finger in front of your mouth, you mean “be quiet.”可知把一只手指放在嘴的前面是保持安静的意思。可知答案是Be quiet.
【小题3】回答问题。根据文中The Englishman was sorry that he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry.。可知他很难过是因为他不能告诉服务员他饿了。故答案为Because he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry.
【小题4】回答问题。根据文中In a few minutes, the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat.Finally the Englishman had his meal in the same way可知最后吃饭了,故答案Yes, he did.
【小题5】回答问题。根据文中When you smile at someone you mean to be friendly可知当你朝某人笑的时候,显示出你很友好。.故答案是Smile at someone