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【小题1】The more children are encouraged, the more_______ (进步) they will make.
【小题2】He often_______ (怀疑)  whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.
【小题3】The violin belongs to one of the_______ (音乐家).
【小题4】China is_______ (富有) and more powerful than ever before.
【小题5】Many foreigners are interested in learning to use_______ (筷子)  when visiting China.
【小题6】She looks like her sister so much that she is often_______ (误认为) for her sister.
【小题7】I don't agree with her, but I_______ (钦佩) her for her bravery.
【小题8】When I got to the meeting hall, I was out of_______ (呼吸).
【小题9】Do you know the man of_______ (中等的) height?
【小题10】_______  (无论何时)  you lose heart, things will get worse.
【小题1】progress考查名词。句意:孩子被鼓励的越多,取得的进步就会越大。Make progress取得进步。结合语境故填progess
【小题2】 句意:他经常怀疑是否值得花费如此多的时间写作业,主意要变单三式;结合语境故填doubts。
【小题3】句意:这把小提琴属于这些音乐家的一个。根据one of +the +名词的复数,结合语境故填musicians’。
【小题4】句意;中国比以前更富有,更强大。根据more powerful可知and前面也应该用比较级,结合语境故填richer。
【小题6】 句意:她看起来的像她的妹妹,以至于她经常被误认为是她的妹妹;根据语境可知用被动语态;结合语境故填mistaken。
【小题8】句意;当我到达会议厅的时候,我停止了呼吸。out of  breath表示停止呼吸,结合语境故填breath。
【小题9】句意:你知道中等身高的那个男人吗?Medium height表示中等身高,结合语境故填medium。