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“Tom? Are you in bed yet?” called Mrs.White. There was no answer. Mrs. White put down her book and went to her 14-year-old son’s room. Tom was sitting in front of a bright computer screen on which a motorbike was running fast.
“Oh, Tom. You’re still playing on that computer game. You must stop now, it’s half past eleven. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be very tired tomorrow, ” said Mrs. White.“But I’ve nearly won the game, ” Tom said to Mrs. White. She could see the excitement on his face. She sat down beside him.“You’re always playing on the computer. You spend more time on this machine than on your homework. ”
Today more and more families have computers. Parents hope computers can help their children improve their study at school. But many of their children use computers to play games and watch videos instead of studying. We often see that computer net bars are crowded with people, especially young boys. They spend a lot of money competing(竞争) with the computerized (用计算机控制的) machines. The more they lose, the more they want to win. The result is that they don’t want to work or study.
In some countries, even scientists hate computers. They say computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble. Computer game addiction(瘾) is a serious problem in social(社会的) life. Something has to be done to solve the problem.
【小题1】How did Mrs. White feel when she saw her son playing late?
A.She felt excited.B.She felt happy.
C.She felt worried.D.She felt wonderful.
【小题2】Parents hope computers can _____.
A.help their children improve their study at school
B.help their children play well
C.help their children know a lot of Internet knowledge
D.help their children relax themselves
【小题3】Many children use computers to _____.
A.watch videos  B.listen to songs
C.play games   D.A、B and C
【小题4】The writer thinks _____.
A.the boys can go to the computer net bars, but the girls can’t
B.the computer net bars are very useful
C.the children spend too much money on computer games
D.the children should play computer games
【小题5】Why do some scientists hate computers?
A.They think computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs.
B.They think computers cause them a lot of trouble.
C.They think it’s a waste of time to use computers.
D.Both A and B.
【小题1】推理判断题。根据短文前四段的描述可知,White夫人看到自己的儿子一直在电脑前边打游戏,已经11点半了,还没有睡觉,他花在电脑上的时间比学习的时间还要多。这样的情况下 ,我们推出White夫人应该是很担心。故选C。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据短文第五段中Today more and more families have computers. Parents hope computers can help their children improve their study at school.可知,现在越来越多的家庭都有电脑,家长们给孩子买电脑是希望它能帮助他们的孩子学习。故选A。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据短文第五段中But many of their children use computers to play games, listen to songs and watch videos instead of studying.可知,很多孩子用电脑来玩游戏、听歌、看视频,而不是用来学习。根据这里我们知道A、B和C三个选项都对,故选D。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据短文第五段中We often see that computer net bars are crowded with people, especially young boys. They spend a lot of money competing(竞争) with the computerized(用计算机控制的) machines可知,作者觉得孩子们花很多钱在网吧里玩电脑游戏。故选C。
【小题5】细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中In some countries, even scientists hate computers. They say computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble.可知一些科学家也讨厌电脑,他们说电脑导致几百万人失业,或给人们带来了很多烦恼。故选D。