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【小题1】I'm strongly _______________ (反对)smoking because it may cause cancer.
【小题2】She has been a member of the ______________(国家的) basketball team for 5 years.
【小题3】He must be confident if he____________(成功) in completing a difficult through hard work.
【小题4】My teacher told me “either” has two _____________________________(发音).
【小题5】Are you crazy? How do you ______________________ (胆敢)to do so?
【小题6】There is no  ________ (怀疑)that Lanzhou will develop into a modern city in the future.
【小题7】The Internet is _____________________(广泛) used in most families in our country today.
【小题8】Be________________(沉默)! My baby is sleeping.
【小题9】There are some green ________________________(叶子) on the tree.
【小题10】The computer was invented in the _____________________(二十) century.