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From diaries to blogs, we're all used to recording our lives with words.
So why not take those words one step further? It's a great hobby that can produce something as simple as a 17-word poems, or ascomplexas a 900-page novel. All you need is just a pen and a notebook.
Types of Writing
You can jump into any type of creative writing-novels, poems, or something else. Start wherever you feel most inspired, and try a few different forms to see what you like. You can also plan a children's book, write a song,  or just write pages in your diary.
Actually Writing
Creative writing is a skill. If you own natural talents for writing,  that's great!  If not,  you can improve yourself by writing something every clay, even if it's just a few words. 100words. com and 750words. com can help you reach the goal.
Getting Inspiration(灵感)
No inspiration is one of the biggest problems that beginning writers face, and it can be hard to find until you know how to look. So, you have to practice looking. Look for the beauty in everyday life, start by reading everything, and see where it takes you.
Really, just start writing. Get your thoughts on paper, express yourself, and have fun—because that's what creative writing is all about. As Ray Bradbury, the famous American writer said, "May you live with hysteria(大惊小怪),and out of it make fine stories.
【小题1】 What does the underlined word "complex" probably mean in Chinese?
【小题2】What type of writing should a beginning writer choose?
A. The easiest one.
B. The most interesting one.
C. The one he feels most inspired.
D.The one he does worst in.
【小题3】In the passage, the writer suggests that we get writing help from_______.
A.the teachersB.the radio
C.our pen palsD.the Internet
【小题4】From the end of the passage we can learn that__________.
A.we can't put our thoughts into the writing
B.writing is a way to feel bored without fun
C.Ray Bradbury used to be the greatest writer
D.fine stories are from our happy or hard life
【小题1】词义猜测题题。题意:下面划线的词"complex"可能是什么意思?。It's a great hobby that can produce something as simple as a 17-word poems, or ascomplexas a 900-page novel.用17字诗一样简单的方式或900页一样复杂的小说创作作品是很棒的爱好。可知选C。
【小题2】细节判断题。. 题意:新手应该选择哪一种类型的写作?A. The easiest one.最容易的那种;B. The most interesting one. 最有趣的那种;C. The one he feels most inspired.他感觉最有灵感的那种?D. The one he does worst in他做的最差的那种.。Start wherever you feel most inspired, and try a few different forms to see what you like.无论你在哪里最有灵感,就在那开始,试着用不同形式看你喜欢的东西。故选C。
【小题4】推理判断题。题意:从这段话的结尾处我们学习到好的故事源于幸福的或悲惨的生活。”As Ray Bradbury, the famous American writer said, "May you live with hysteria(大惊小怪),and out of it make fine stories。正如美国著名的作家雷·布莱伯利所说愿你与大惊小怪相伴,跳出它就是好的故事。故选D。