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【小题1】There will be a composition contest named “My Good Teacher” to celebrate the ________(30) Teachers’ Day.
【小题2】When Tom was young, his parents were so busy that they always left him alone by_____ (he).
【小题3】There are six__________(French) talking loudly in the room.
【小题4】It rains____________(heavy) in Guizhou when the peaches and plum are ready to eat June .
【小题5】The ________ (deep) you are in understanding, the better you’ll be in your work.
【小题6】The cook _________ (cut) up the bananas and mixed it with milk. The milk shake tasted very delicious.
【小题7】Let’s stop _______ (exercise) unhealthily, and we can make a better life.
【小题8】He does his best in order that the books can ________(sell) out.
【小题9】We should be brave when we meet illness and __________(difficult).
【小题10】It is _______ (luck) for him to lose his wallet and cellphone on the playground.
【小题8】be sold
【小题2】句意:当汤姆还小的时候,他的父母是如此的忙,以至于他们总是把他自己一个人留在家里。by oneself靠某人自己。故答案是himself。
【小题7】句意:让我们停止不健康地锻炼来过上更加美好的生活。stop doing停止正在做的事情,故答案是exercising。
【小题8】句意:他尽力把书卖出去。当主语是动作的承受者时,用被动语态。故填be sold。
【小题10】句意:在操场丢了钱包和手机对于他来说是不幸的。It is+形容词+to do。故填unlucky