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Nearly every parent says that we never grow up. In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old. In their eyes, we are always little ones and always do wrong things. For example, when I need to stay at home alone, they always worry about me and my life without them.
Most parents always think that they have offered the best things they can to make their children live in a comfortable world. They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, strange but expensive school things, and always a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They think that they have done everything they can to their dear little children. In return, they only want their little boy or girl to give them good results in the examinations
But why can their little babies still not understand them? Does it mean that they still want more material things? No. As a matter of fact, what they want is a true family. What does a true family mean? I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside cold world. From here, we can get warmth, we can get consolation(安慰), and we can get happiness. And one important thing is that we should be stronger and more confident(自信的)in the outside world because we know that we have a family.
So I think that parents should save their money and sit down to talk with their child to let them know that they have a true family, so the child and his parents could understand each other more and more. Then, no boy will be regarded as a little boy.
【小题1】In the eyes of most parents, children never ____________and seldom do_____________.
【小题2】Most parents always think they _______________ the best things for their children to live in the world _______________.
【小题3】Children still _________________their parents because what children need most is not material things but _________________.
【小题4】Most parents want their children to get _________________in the exams while their children want to get _______________.
【小题5】The way to __________________ between parents and children is that they should have more communication with each other. Then, no children will ______________as little ones.
答案:【小题1】grow up, do right things
【小题2】have provided, comfortably
【小题3】can’t understand, a true family
【小题4】good results; warmth, consolation and happiness
【小题5】solve the problem, be treated
【小题1】根据Nearly every parent says that we never grow up及 In their eyes, we are always little ones and often do wrong things 可知父母看来自己的孩子没有长大,经常做错事情,故用grow up, do right things。
【小题2】根据Most parents always think that they have offered the best things they can to make their children live in a comfortable world.大多数父母认为他们能够给孩子提供最好的东西,能够使孩子过上舒适的生活。故用have provided, comfortably。
【小题3】根据why still can’t their children understand them?what we want is a true family 孩子仍然不理解父母,他们需要不是物质而是真正的家,故用can’t understand, a true family。
【小题4】根据they only want their children to get good results in the exams. we can get warmth, we can get consolation(安慰), and we can get happiness.可知父母想让孩子成绩好,而孩子想要的是家的温暖、安慰和幸福。故用good results; warmth, consolation and happiness。
【小题5】根据so the children and their parents could understand each other more and more. Then, parents will not treat their children as little ones.解决父母和孩子之间的问题的方法就是父母和孩子多沟通,父母不要把孩子看成小孩。故用solve the problem, be treated。