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Tom likes chocolates very much,but his mother doesn't give him chocolates , because they’re bad for his teeth,she thinks. But Tom has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves his grandson very much and sometimes he buys Tom some chocolates. Then his mother lets him eat them,because she wants to make the old man happy.
On Sunday evening,it is Tom’s birthday. He says,“Please,God(上帝),let them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.”His mother says,“God can’t hear you. Don’t shout.”“I know,”says the clever boy with a smile.“But Grandfather is in the next room,and he can.”
【小题1】Tom’s mother thinks_________.
A.Tom is a good boy
B.chocolates are bad for her teeth
C.chocolates are bad for Tom’s teeth
D.Tom doesn't like chocolates
【小题2】Why does Tom’s mother let him eat chocolates sometimes?
A.Because Tom studies hard.
B.Because Tom’s grandma buys him some chocolates.
C.Because she is happy.
D.Because she wants to make Tom’s grandpa happy.
【小题3】Why does Tom shout?
A. Because he wants to make his grandpa hear him.
B. Because he wants to make God hear him.
C. Because he wants to make his mother hear him.
D. Both B and C.
【小题4】Which one is right?
A.Tom is clever.
B.Tom doesn’t like his mother.
C.Tom’s mother doesn’t love him.
D.The boy is a good student.
【小题5】What day is Tom’s birthday?
试题分析:汤姆非常喜欢巧克力,但他妈妈不给他巧克力, 她认为它们对他的牙齿不好。但汤姆有一个很好的爷爷。老人很爱他的孙子,有时他汤姆买一些巧克力。然后他的妈妈让他吃, 因为她想让老人开心。接下来描述了他过生日的事情。
【小题1】细节理解题。问题:汤姆的母亲考虑了什么?联系原文:because they’re bad for his teeth,she thinks.句意:她认为它们对他的牙齿不好。明确第三项正确。故选C
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:为什么汤姆的母亲有时让他吃巧克力?联系原文:Then his mother lets him eat them,because she wants to make the old man happy.句意:然后他的妈妈让他吃, 因为她想让老人开心。结合选项,第四项正确。故选D
【小题4】细节理解题。问题:哪一项是正确的?短文的最后一句明确指出:“I know,”says the clever boy with a smile.“But Grandfather is in the next room,and he can.”句意: “我知道,”聪明的男孩笑着说。“但是,在隔壁房间的爷爷,他可以听到。”故选A
【小题5】细节理解题。问题:汤姆的生日是在哪一天?联系原文:On Sunday evening,it is Tom’s birthday. 句意:周日晚上,它是汤姆的生日。结合选项,明确汤姆的生日是在星期天。故选B