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Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.
A: Oh, what is this?
B: It’s a new machine. I got it two days ago. Would you like to see it?
A: 【小题1】_____________. Well, it looks unusual 【小题2】____________________?
B: It’s used for cutting fruit.
A: It’s very beautiful. 【小题3】________________?
B: It’s made of steel and plastic.
A: 【小题4】________________?
B: It’s made in China.
A: 【小题5】_________________?
B: It’s only 70 yua
答案:【小题1】Yes, I’d love to./Yes.
【小题2】What’s it used for?
【小题3】What’s it made of?
【小题4】Where is it made?
【小题5】How much is it?/How much?
【小题1】联系上下文,对方已经看了这个新的机器。所以回答是肯定的。根据语法,回答Would you like to see it?可以有两种方法,Yes, I’d love to./Yes.
【小题2】联系下文,这个机器是用来切水果的。可知这个题是来询问这个水果刀的用途的,英语表达为What’s it used for?
【小题3】联系下文,这个机器是由钢和塑料材质的,可知上文是在询问这个机器的材质是什么。英语表达是What’s it made of?
【小题4】联系下文,这个机器是在中国制造的,可知上文是在问这个机器是在哪里制造的。英语表达是Where is it made?
【小题5】联系下文,这个机器的价格是70元,可知上文是在询问这个机器的价格,英语表达是How much is it?/How much?